Get your Bearings
Tourist safety shouldn’t come at the cost of a memorable and pleasant stay. Folks up-to-no-good can be found at any turn, yet millions of visitors land on Jamaica’s shores all year round without incident.
This is not some theme park where every precaution will have been taken to ensure your safety. The island does get bad press for criminal activity in some places — doesn’t everywhere? — but any serious trouble or ‘street justice’ tends to be between locals, rival gangs, or frequently-bickering taxi drivers, so visitors are rarely affected. Even so, keep your peepers peeled.
In reality, you’ve more chance of being bashed on the head by a falling breadfruit.
Watching Your Back
A man helping the Ochi Police with their enquiries
Petty thieves and pickpockets are common pests in any place. As a stranger in a strange land, you may be at your most vulnerable in areas where large numbers gather: plazas, markets, public squares, or being jostled about in mass gatherings. Be alert.
Take precautions. Try to avoid walking alone, especially at night. If you choose to wear an expensive watch or jewellery, flash your wallet, or direct attention to your phone when out and about, you become a magnet to the eyes of sneaky thieves. If you really must dangle your shiny bits, do so discreetly and/or keep them hidden. Backpacks are not advisable, wear shoulder bags to the front, and stash your cash and cards in a concealed money belt around your waist.
An increased police presence is evident in the parts of town where tourists gather, a reassuring sight around the cruise ship jetties and plazas of the west end of Ochi, though not so reassuring elsewhere. Remember that many Jamaican police officers are armed so you would be well advised to keep out of mischief.
As a law-abiding tourist, you are unlikely to be harassed by police, except perhaps if a minibus in which you are traveling is stopped at a roadblock and the passengers are frisked. Unless you have a habit of hiding a machete down each trouser leg on vacation, there is nothing to fear.
A ‘Who-be-who’ of Jamaican Police
The white shirts, red and black caps, and navy with red-stripe trousered uniforms (see above) belong to the JAMAICAN CONSTABULARY FORCE, or JCF.
A light khaki uniform (pictured above also) identifies a JCF OFFICER of HIGHER RANK, ranging upwards from Inspector to Commissioner.
The armed SPECIAL FORCE patrols the streets in 4WDs in full navy blue uniform, kitted out with body armour and tooled up with M16 rifles — be nice to these guys.
The pale blue shirted DISTRICT CONSTABULARY, or DC, are Community Officers whose role is to assist the JCF.
Currency & Cash
The currency of the island is the Jamaican Dollar (JMD or J$). Banknotes are issued in denominations of 100, 500, 1000 and 5000 dollars; coins come in 1, 5, 10 and 20 dollars. In some less well-off stores you may receive a few hard candies in lieu of small change — a lovely gesture!
Be wary of exchanging currency at airports as you won’t get the best deal — licensed cambios and banks are accessible in all ‘touristy’ and resort areas. US$ are accepted in most ‘touristy’ shops, bars and restaurants. SEE HERE to view CURRENT EXCHANGE RATES.
But the best way to access your funds (we think) is from ATMs dispensing the local currency. These are widespread but be on your guard — try to avoid using ATMs if alone or at night. Note that ATM cubicles are lockable from inside: always secure the lock for it is not uncommon for lurking opportunist thieves to watch from behind and then suddenly barge in on you.*
*This happened to Wilson late one evening when one ‘known thief’ with the biggest afro in town foolishly chanced his luck. Did this idiot think he would not get caught?
Getting Around and About
Large buses are few and far between on the island due to the many narrow, twisting roads, but copious types of taxi and minibus cover the whole of Jamaica if you don’t mind a squeeze.
The cacophony of shouting and parping horns where taxis and minibuses gather is not aggression*, just touting for business.
Choose an authorized ‘red plate’ PPV (Public Passenger Vehicle) with a driver who is [hopefully] registered and [hopefully] insured should any mishap occur en route. You’ll need to ‘belt up’ if you get to sit up front — it is your responsibility should the vehicle be stopped by Police and you’re not wearing a seatbelt.
*Speaking of which… A bit of spontaneous ‘street theatre’ you might witness involves two taxis screeching to a halt as the drivers leap out, hurling ‘Bloodclaat’ abuse at each other. Realizing they can’t fight properly in flimsy sandals, they’ll either search for a makeshift weapon or get back into their vehicles and speed off, still cursing.
Usually (but not always) distinct by their black and white checkered strips along the sides of the vehicle, and “Route Taxi” and the destination marked on the front doors. Following an almost set route, they will often veer off, with a squeal of tyres, down tooth-loosening side roads at a passenger’s request.
Fares are remarkably cheap but expect a real squish-fest with eight or nine fellow passengers and chickens on your knee. The car sets off when full so you may have to wait a while till all at once you’re on your way in a judder and a belch of smoke.
You can board anywhere along the route; the approaching driver will toot to let you know if he can shoehorn you in — and what taxi driver ever put passenger comfort before a dollar?
A ‘Good morning’, ‘Good afternoon’ or ‘Good evening’ to your fellow passengers is considered courteous and helps to alleviate such a collective invasion of body space.
Enjoy the comfort and solitude of your own private car — usually with black and yellow checkers (sometimes without) or ask any ‘red plate’ (if no passengers are in already).
This can be pricey however, so be sure to agree the fare with the driver before you head off or you could end up handing over all your holiday rum money.
Do not allow other passengers to jump in, especially at night!
If planning on traveling around a lot by taxi, find a friendly, trustworthy driver and keep his number handy. This should give you the assurance of getting about reliably and safely.
Though fares are astonishingly reasonable, a minibus journey just might be a contender for the most adventurous nail-biter you’ll ever thrill to on four wheels.
At the minibus pick-up point, the guy doing the shouting is your friendly ‘loader’ whose job is to ‘sardine’ as many folks as possible (and the odd goat or two) on board with extra ‘cross seats’ that magically appear in the aisle. Once that minibus door slides shut it’s time to hold on tight.
Prepare to be hurtled away at breakneck speed, overtaking other road users around blind hairpin bends as big snorting juggernauts thunder towards you from the other direction.
The conductor will ask for payment of the fare before you arrive so have a couple of hundred in bills and small change ready in advance — you’ll be far too squashed-in to access your pockets when the time comes.
You can board at any stop along the route if there is space. The driver may not stop if the vehicle is full, but they will likely find a way to make room among the disgruntled passengers.
You’ll soon pick up the protocol. Just remember that fares go up steeply after midnight and taxis and minibuses become a lot less frequent — if you’ve the stomach to be out so late.
If you’ve just landed from a cruise ship or off on a hotel-arranged sight-seeing excursion, certified buses await to whizz you and your fellow pilgrims of pleasure to wonders untold.
But don’t bother trying to hail one from the roadside as the driver will ignore you and spiteful folks on board will point at you and laugh. You’ll be herded onboard near the jetty or from your hotel accordingly.
If a trip to Kingston, Mobay or Portland in spacious, air-con luxury sounds like a plan, Knutsford Express are the boys.
They also chuck in a bottle of chilled water and a newspaper, so you can sit back, enjoy a movie, and feel smug with yourself as the bus glides you down the highways in comfort.
Visit their Website or call into the office at Shop 11/18a, Island Village to reserve your seat. More info on Instagram and Facebook.
For a more personal, no-fuss tour service, look for a trustworthy Private Tour Operator.
Providing knowledgeable bespoke sight-seeing tours to suit your timescale, they will pick you up from the jetty, the airport, or your hotel; transporting you safely and hopefully keeping you entertained.
For those we recommend look in the Tour Operator section of our COOL SERVICES page.